Friday, June 27, 2008


Nothing says relaxing like a bath! I went to the spa today and got a little pampering!! Now I can just sit back and chill out!! I smell so good. I was so happy to see my mommy! Gotta go guys, she's here to pick me up!! See ya next time! Petsmart=Spa!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Road trippin'

Mommy and Daddy took me on a road trip again. Yeah, I didn't get stuck with those idiot dogs at the kennel, but I would have had more roaming room had I stayed there. Instead, I got to go to Nacogdoches, I can't even bark that word out, so I really hate trying to go there. Let's just call it Granny and Papaws from now on..

So, I go to my aunt's house and there's this little Shih Tzu that chases me around like he's my own shadow. He got a hair cut and now he looks like one of Daddy's bobble heads. They call him Storm Dog, but he's just a bobblehead with fur. Things were going good, I even snuck in and gobbled up the bobblehead's food until Daddy caught me. Oops, off to the kennel again, daddy calls it the penalty box. I can't quite figure it out, but I always end up there when daddy and mommy get mad at me. Still, if it's a penalty box, why did daddy get me this water bowl that attched to the inside? If that's a penalty, then I'll be mean to that Storm dog all day. Woo hoo!

It's a tough life, you know. So tough that for a 2.5 hr ride back home, mommy took me out about half way home and held me for the rest of the way. Now, the bobblehead's bubba is here and I have a play buddy. Yo dog, ain't life great!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

back to normal again...

Well, mommy and daddy are finally back. I thought they had forgotten about me. They were gone for a billion days, or so it seemed. Oh well, that is okay. I had a blast being the queen of the kennel. I walked in and everyone was excited. The life of the party had arrived!! It's not such a bad place. I eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, get to watch all those idiot dogs bark their heads off. Not me. I just chill out! Well, I'm off to eat some more. It's a vicious cycle you know....