Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back home again!

Well, mommy and daddy took off to Alabama for Thanksgiving so I got to spend a few days with my friends at AMC (dat's da kennel for those of you who don't know). Somehow, I ended up with more friends than last time. Oh well, they still love me. So, I'm thinking that mommy and daddy had deserted me for another day and they showed up just before dark. Yippee! I keep hearing about new stuff from Starkville (wherever that is), but they won't let me have it. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Today, I was herded up and taken to PetSmart for a bath and a trim. I look good and smell good again. Maybe life will return to normal if mommy will ever let daddy rest again. Later, y'all!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Mommy and Daddy gave me a bath last night. I hate baths!!! I get so cold. Then mommy took my blanket away and put it in that machine. I was really angry but then I got it back this morning. I love my blankie! And I do smell better!!! Mommy got my eye boogers off my eyes. I feel GRRRRRRREAT!!

Hi Grandma Pat!!

I see you have been checking up on me!!! I sure do miss you!! I wish I could come to your house at Thanksgiving!! But Mommy and Daddy says it is too expensive....whatever that word means. Oh well, I will have fun with my buddies at AMC. They love me there and take good care of me. But I sure do miss you and Grandpa Bill. I'll see you at Christmas!!! Oh boy!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

No Fair!!

Mommy and Daddy did something really mean to me. They put up this really big pretty tree in "my" living room, it even has bright lights all over it. Then, they put the gate up. Don't they know that is "my" tree??? And then, to top it all off, they took my favorite new stuffed snowman and put it behind the fence. This is torture.

And what's even worse, now every time I got outside and don't peepee, they put me in my kennel. That's not fair.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

1 year

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear little sippi, happy birthday to me. I can't believe I am already 1!!! I sure am enjoying my life with my mommy and daddy. I have had a year's worth of good eats, good sleep, and good treats. I even got to eat some early birthday cake yesterday. It was so yummy. (white cake of course, mommy won't let me eat chocolate!) She says it will make me really sick.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Elvis has left the building

I was one sick puppy last week. I was so sick that I had an accident in my kennel and needless to say that Elvis has now left the building. Elvis was my stuffed giraffe that daddy got me when I had my surgery. Mommy was even nice enough to buy me a new toy, but it just didn't do. Fortunately, she found me a ball like I lost when I went to see Grandma and Grandpa. Life is good again...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Life as a Puppy

The Life of a PuppyAuthor: Unknown
This morning, I woke up & kissed my dad’s head.I peed on the carpet, then went back to bed.“The life of a puppy, oh my, this is great.”Then I thought about breakfast,” I hope it’s not late.”
Mom took me outside, we walked for a while.This never fails to make Mama smile.I sniffed of everything, that we did pass,I ate something weird - it gave me gas.
I’m sure God loves me, I know that is true.He gave me so many great things to chew.Rugs, plants or rocks, I really don’t care.What I truly like best, is Dad’s underwear.
That obedience book, was sort of yummy.Though it didn’t sit well on my poor puppy tummy.I threw up a bit, but that was all right,When Mom found it later, I was well out of sight.
I made streamers of T. P., while running at full speed.Mom is pretty quick — but I was still in the lead.I flew under the bed, and Mom flew past,She stopped-shook her head, and breathed,“You’re too fast.”
Mama later phoned Daddy, and said, “It was frightening!”That afternoon, she was sure I’d pooped lightning.She’d sat at the computer, while I chewed the cord,She thought I was mad, but I was just bored.
When Mama had enough, couldn’t take anymore,That’s when my tushy got shoved out the door.I love it inside, but outside is best.Lay in the cool grass, and had a good rest.
That didn’t last long, there was too much to do–Can’t quite remember where I hid Daddy’s shoe.I found an old bone, and scratched at a flea,I watched the dumb squirrels as they jumped in a tree.
I barked at the kids, when they got off the bus.I can’t figure out why this makes Mama fuss.I barked at the neighbor, I barked at the wind.I barked and barked, till Mom yelled, “COME IN.”
The sun dipped in the west-soon Daddy would come!I sure love my daddy: we always have fun.I barked at my daddy, then turned on my charms,I woo-wooed, “Hello,” then jumped in his arms.
Sitting under the table — it’s sooo hard to wait.Daddy slipped me a goodie right off his plate.I raced through the house, and scattered my toys,Ricocheted off the furniture, and made lots of noise.
Mom found her purse - the one I abused.Daddy let loose a chuckle. Mom asked “Amused??”I cowered down low, I must be in trouble.Dad said, “Wasn’t MY boy, it must be his double!”
Mom turned off the TV, and said,”Time for bed.”Dad said “Let’s go boy,” and patted my head.I got in my spot, between Mom and Dad,I thought ’bout my day and what fun I had.
Mama kicked out my bone from the covers below,Then let loose a sigh — a sigh deep and low.She gave me a kiss, and snuggled me tight,And whispered so softly, ‘My darling goodnight’.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Look what they did to me...

Boy, oh boy, mommy and daddy did it this time. First of all, they take me on trips for three weekends in a row an then I got a shirt that said "Mommy's Little Pumpkin", but I really didn't think she would take it any further, but I was wrong....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm a tired puppy!

I've been to Nacogdoches a couple of weeks ago, spent time with cousin Oscar, and then had company this weekend. What's a tired puppy to do other than sleep and eat? Well, mommy is going back to school this week, so I'll be left at home to howl at anything that come by. Looks like I'll have time to catch up on my sleep.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mush, puppy mush!

Well, mommy and daddy took me back to Nacogdoches this weekend. My friend, the Bobblehead's Bubba, was in a wheelchair after having surgery on his foot. Bubba wanted the bobblehead to pull him in his wheelchair, well, that wasn't happening. So, I got volunteered. You guessed it, I got to pull the Bubba in his wheel chair and I pulled him about 7 ft before they stopped me. Dang it, I could have made it to the door, but daddy stopped me. It's tough life, but daddy gave me a treat for this feat. They even made a video of me, now I'm famous. America's Greatest Dog, watch out, here I come!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hey! Where'd everyone go?

Since last month, it seems like I have had people to play with. This morning I woke up and it was only Mommy and Daddy. Guess it's back to the hard life. Grandpa played with me a bunch and now I only have Daddy to depend on to let me go outside. Mommy said they're heading back to Alabama, don't know where that is, but I hope it's close. As long as Mommy keeps feeding me chicken, I won't mope too much...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Have a Howling 4th of July

Ahh man, the dummies in the neighborhood are keeping me up. First, dad grilled out for 4 hours with Uncle Richard and now I didn't get anything but a measly piece of chicken. Here I have my dog cousins Stormy and Oscar and all we can do is howl at the boneheads shooting fireworks at each others houses. I think Oscar is a big ole scaredy cat, he's hiding from everyone. The fireworks got me so mad that instead of pottying, I howled at them and then hid behind daddy. What a bunch of dummies, I tell you. See, my mom and dad were smart and saved their money and spent it on me. Yes, I'm spoiled...

Friday, June 27, 2008


Nothing says relaxing like a bath! I went to the spa today and got a little pampering!! Now I can just sit back and chill out!! I smell so good. I was so happy to see my mommy! Gotta go guys, she's here to pick me up!! See ya next time! Petsmart=Spa!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Road trippin'

Mommy and Daddy took me on a road trip again. Yeah, I didn't get stuck with those idiot dogs at the kennel, but I would have had more roaming room had I stayed there. Instead, I got to go to Nacogdoches, I can't even bark that word out, so I really hate trying to go there. Let's just call it Granny and Papaws from now on..

So, I go to my aunt's house and there's this little Shih Tzu that chases me around like he's my own shadow. He got a hair cut and now he looks like one of Daddy's bobble heads. They call him Storm Dog, but he's just a bobblehead with fur. Things were going good, I even snuck in and gobbled up the bobblehead's food until Daddy caught me. Oops, off to the kennel again, daddy calls it the penalty box. I can't quite figure it out, but I always end up there when daddy and mommy get mad at me. Still, if it's a penalty box, why did daddy get me this water bowl that attched to the inside? If that's a penalty, then I'll be mean to that Storm dog all day. Woo hoo!

It's a tough life, you know. So tough that for a 2.5 hr ride back home, mommy took me out about half way home and held me for the rest of the way. Now, the bobblehead's bubba is here and I have a play buddy. Yo dog, ain't life great!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

back to normal again...

Well, mommy and daddy are finally back. I thought they had forgotten about me. They were gone for a billion days, or so it seemed. Oh well, that is okay. I had a blast being the queen of the kennel. I walked in and everyone was excited. The life of the party had arrived!! It's not such a bad place. I eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, get to watch all those idiot dogs bark their heads off. Not me. I just chill out! Well, I'm off to eat some more. It's a vicious cycle you know....